Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Ronald McDonald came to visit!!

Ronald McDonald came to visit us here at Paterangi School.  He told us about how to be safe by the road. 

Here are some things that he taught us….

-          Stop, Look and Listen before you cross the road

-          When you are walking in the city, you have to walk on the footpath, when you are in the country you have to walk on the grass.

-          We have to walk on the right side of the road so that we can see cars coming and they can see us. 

-          We have to walk near the fence at all times.

-          When you get to a zebra crossing, you have to stop and look both ways, listen and take a step back before you cross.

-          We have to look into driveways to see if there are cars coming out. (look out for sneaky driveways)

-          When we are riding a bike, skateboard or scooter we have to wear a helmet

-          When we are in the car we have to Make it Click!

Ronald McDonald also left us a sock of his to look after and he is going to come back and visit his sock… we wonder when he will do that!?


  1. I hope you guys remember all of those rules. Danielle.

  2. Awesome information i will use it next time Mum,Taylor and i are walking across the road.
